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Where the Heart Is

Where the Heart Is - Elizabeth Silver, Jenny Urban Reading the blurb I thought it sounded very similar to Rhianne Aile and Madeleine's Urbans Snowed in. 3 men trapped in a snowy cabin.
But the difference in this book is that all three are gay and know it. They have been friends for 2 decades but not lovers. That all is going to change this weekend. An unexpected announcement set things to the edge.
The blurb wasn't that promising because of the reason mentioned earlier and it is a ménage story (the excerpt though is very good, it was what won me over). They work or they don't. In this case I felt it worked. The boys had been turning around each other for so long, it felt good that they finally got together. I would have like to see them living together in an epilogue.

There is a WTF moment though. I thought it did not fit with this otherwise vanilla story, certainly not as strong as it was written down. But perhaps that is just me.